Fly Through

This video shows the blue course, but with a couple of black course tee positions..


Reserve Your Tee-Time


Quarry Park Open 2024

The 2024 Quarry Park Open - Aug30 - Sept 1

The course is open as usual from 10am to sunset at weekends. Tuesdays we are open from 5pm for glow golf, but it may be self service. Fridays we are open form 11 until sunset. The course may be open from 11 Tuesday to Thursday,but this is not guaranteed unless you may prior arrangements.
There is a "league" running on Sunday mornings until 4th December, all welcome. It's organised by David and Norean Woodhead and details posted on the Quarry Park Facebook Group. Open to all players.

We have glow rounds on Tuesday evenings, it's the usual short course fee. We have glow discs for sale in the shop and a limited number available for hire. I'd suggest starting between 6:00 and 7.15pm, but you can start as early as 5pm if you let us know or if you are happy to turn the lights on.

Opening Times

Weekends and Bank Holidays 10:00 to 18:00
Tuesday to Friday:
10:00 to sunset 
Closed Mondays
NB  We may close early if there are no bookings.

Please book via

Prices including VAT 

New Short course (15 holes of 45m)
Adults £6, Children £4
Regular Course (18 holes of 90m)
Adults £8.50 Children £6
Day rate £16 (£12)
Free hire 1 disc/person
Annual subs £200 (£150)



Queries to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Ali on 07554146348